
- Author: Panchyshna
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 852
- ⭐ 0.4
The Rhodesia Information Centre (RIC) represented the Rhodesian government in Australia from 1966 to 1980. As Australia did not recognise Rhodesia's independence it operated on an unofficial basis. The centre's activities included lobbying politicians, spreading propaganda supporting white minority rule in Rhodesia and advising Australian businesses on how they could evade the United Nations sanctions that had been imposed on the country. These activities violated United Nations Security Council resolutions. The RIC had little impact, with Australian media coverage of the Rhodesian regime being almost entirely negative and the government's opposition to white minority rule in Rhodesia hardening over time. The Australian government made several attempts to force the centre to close, all of which were unsuccessful. The Zimbabwean government shut the centre in May 1980 after the end of white minority rule and later established an official embassy in Australia.