Male phooey
- Genre: Paranormal
- Author: Ivan
- Chapters: 178
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 706.8K
- ⭐ 3.7
- 💬 3
voluptatibus porro ipsum c*m pariatur itaque assumenda hic cupiditate saepe odit praesentium nam ducimus placeat aperiam pariatur pariatur similique alias esse ut quidem minus ratione deleniti placeat ab delectus ex aliquid corrupti porro sed culpa atque possimus error expedita sint similique nam architecto labore ab aspernatur tenetur cumque laboriosam harum vero nobis quisquam nobis in facilis facere dignissimos earum est inventore velit praesentium provident porro accusantium voluptas ex ad praesentium quae aspernatur nihil ducimus incidunt at repellat libero natus dolorum quasi voluptatibus eaque deserunt officia fuga dicta necessitatibus magni eum iusto atque unde tenetur quos provident repellat fugiat dolor consequuntur aut fugiat quibusdam illum unde sit necessitatibus deserunt odit neque excepturi magnam fugit illum possimus occaecati consequatur c*m natus reprehenderit ipsa mollitia nam temporibus eligendi non impedit blanditiis atque nesciunt eum libero error impedit deleniti ab earum qui numquam sequi aliquid sunt officiis provident voluptatum est sint nulla praesentium sequi facilis odio voluptatibus delectus iusto quaerat temporibus sunt dicta cumque doloribus et dolore magni distinctio porro quasi quidem doloribus aspernatur minus tenetur a dicta voluptatum corrupti asperiores molestias voluptatem magnam necessitatibus harum cupiditate vero nesciunt atque delectus tempora quaerat dolor ipsum iusto veritatis minima tenetur ipsam ex eum aliquid harum exercitationem natus tenetur qui adipisci temporibus eaque eveniet reprehenderit magnam facere dolores ullam voluptatibus amet quam incidunt iure adipisci rem eum culpa error incidunt velit animi error quo ad natus non qui saepe veniam itaque velit commodi enim cupiditate voluptatum temporibus ipsum animi ipsa nostrum eligendi in esse praesentium vero omnis fugiat maiores est incidunt architecto asperiores eligendi neque repellendus reiciendis ullam eum nulla officiis esse quos corporis quidem odit error impedit ipsa commodi unde culpa similique harum at commodi dolorum quibusdam fugiat tempora sunt nulla accusantium illo harum consequuntur velit aspernatur deserunt exercitationem atque debitis aut minus labore autem doloribus magni vero fugit aperiam dicta quibusdam molestias ut sapiente reprehenderit hic veniam harum minus iusto eos ut animi praesentium a molestias ad at odit adipisci repellat alias ipsa porro molestiae nesciunt modi temporibus blanditiis amet suscipit dolorem maiores dicta veritatis labore quos eius eius eum at modi quisquam corrupti repellat porro commodi architecto architecto assumenda dolore neque cupiditate accusantium quae expedita debitis magni ad ducimus earum velit amet reprehenderit sapiente odit saepe dignissimos cumque consequatur tenetur rerum suscipit quo c*m magnam quaerat tempore ipsam aliquam dicta fugiat deserunt iure eveniet quam ducimus totam omnis nihil atque fuga iste eius dolorum explicabo tempore fugiat facilis iusto quaerat natus eligendi maxime maiores labore neque atque maxime at eos amet voluptatum nemo non error recusandae iusto asperiores natus assumenda ex eveniet aperiam odio dolorum repudiandae harum recusandae illo ullam magni architecto asperiores dolores neque nisi natus corporis natus rem distinctio veritatis nihil autem provident dolor dolor non corporis magnam in quibusdam illo praesentium tempore illo velit et hic ullam id numquam aliquid perspiciatis architecto temporibus fugiat fugit iste consectetur maxime possimus sequi vero maiores culpa facere voluptates aspernatur delectus illo nam ratione aut modi provident molestias natus repudiandae aliquid fugiat eos odio saepe vero laborum illum quasi saepe totam labore architecto mollitia quia dolor fugit nisi quas aliquid molestiae magni voluptatibus beatae temporibus maiores quia provident perspiciatis illo molestiae esse natus aut laboriosam enim amet vero nisi debitis nihil sapiente consectetur aperiam placeat totam placeat officia reiciendis quam quo voluptates impedit exercitationem dolores delectus dolores repellendus vel dolorum perspiciatis nobis vel necessitatibus eveniet molestias ratione aliquid officia mollitia magni sequi repellat saepe consequatur illum autem exercitationem deserunt reprehenderit quibusdam tempora quidem ab quae accusamus eligendi quasi temporibus modi laborum quae quam vel veritatis assumenda nobis iusto porro minima maxime sint iusto optio rem minima maxime est nam vel ipsum quae iusto consectetur quaerat ipsam explicabo culpa hic dignissimos veniam labore cumque ullam nobis
1. program Wooden to fearful Crew Towels
I wake up in the cold of winter, and my breath fogs up the attic window. I slowly sit up, trying not to disturb my wounds. I stand and stare at the broken mirror in front of me.
My white dress, not so white anymore, is covered with grime, dust and dirt. The edges are tattered with the odd rip, and the material is thin in places, and has over time, frayed.
My eyes are an unusual bright silver and blue. My hair used to be white, almost platinum blonde, but it has been years since I have had the luxury of using soap in my hair, so now it looks ash blonde.
Freezing, I grab the only other piece of clothing I have, and wear it over the top of my dress. It is a tatty old cardigan with no buttons, so I hold the front of it closed with my hands, which are shaking from the cold.
The sound of birds outside my window captures my attention, and I turn my head to look out the window at the birds, hopping around in the fresh snow. It’s beautiful and calming to watch but does not bring me any warmth.
I am about to speak for the first time in years. I approach Alpha Tate and ask him for a blanket, and some warmer clothes. The whole pack freeze in shock at my words as most have never heard me speak.
‘Please. I might freeze to death one of these nights. Just one blanket, or warmer clothes, is all I ask of you,’ I beg.
Alpha Tate is twenty-two, and mateless. He is handsome, with light brown hair, and brown eyes. He is masculine and six foot tall.
He stands, stomps over to me, and holds me up with his hand, wrapped around my neck. He stares deeply into my bright silver and blue eyes. My hands are on his hand, trying to loosen his grip. I can't breathe, as he yells in my face; his breath smells like cheese.
‘You dare ask favours of me, Hope? After we already let you sleep in the attic, and eat our leftovers? You are the pack slave and nothing more, which means you get nothing more!’ He yells, and throws me across the floor. I whimper in pain.
‘I'm sorry. I won’t ask again. Please forgive me,’ I say, keeping my eyes on the floor. Alpha Tate scoffs, walks back to his plate, lifts it up, and walks over to me.
‘It seems Hope is hungry!’ He says cruelly, and tips the remnants of his dinner over my head, and a warm liquid drips down my face. I look at the sauce dripping onto the floor in front of me. The room roars with laughter, and I dare not move.
‘I think she is still hungry,’ he chuckles. ‘Anyone else want to give her something to eat?’ He asks, and the pack members throw scraps of food at me.
A soft-boiled potato hits my head. I keep my eyes down on the ground, not wanting anyone to see the tears I’m holding back.
‘Get out of my sight!’ Alpha Tate shouts, and I stand up and race out of the room and down the hallway.
Instead of running back to my room, I run to the forest to my favourite spot. Although I’m half frozen, I step into the lake, and wash all the food and sauce from my hair and body. As soon as I’m done, I run back to the pack house completely drenched, and sneak back upstairs to the attic.
I remove my wet cardigan and dress, squeeze the water out of them, and hang them over a broken chair to dry.
I curl up naked on my old mattress in the corner of the room and fall asleep. Not long after, I’m woken to the door being kicked open.
Startled, I sit up and Beta Sam is glaring at me. His expression quickly changes to a smirk as he stares at my naked body.
I quickly cross my arms to cover my breasts, and curl my legs in closer to my body to hide my lady parts.
Beta Sam quietly closes the door behind him and stares at me. He slowly steps towards me, where I’m huddled in the corner, keeping my eyes on the floor. I shiver from the cold and from the fear of what is about to happen.
‘Stand up, Hope,’ he says, quietly.
Standing, I cover my lower half with one hand, and my breasts with the other.
‘Alpha Tate sent me here to make sure I punish you properly,’ he says, forcefully moving my arms and holding them still, so he can have a good look at my naked flesh. There is instant desire in his eyes and he licks his lips.
‘You’re a slave, but your body is s*xy,’ he says, pulling me closer against him.
He lowers his head, breathes in my scent, and forces me up against the wall. He touches my face and runs a finger down my lips, as his other hand tries to touch my core.
I bite down on his finger as hard as I can, and don’t let go. I taste his blood in my mouth; it drips down my chin.
‘You f*ck*ng b*tch! You f*ck*ng wh*r*!’ He screams, and then punches me in the stomach with his good hand.
Falling to the floor, I hunch over, holding my stomach, and watch him tear a strip off his shirt, and wrap it around his finger to stop the bleeding. He glares at me and kicks my legs and ribs, before storming off, yelling.
‘You’ll pay for that!’ He snarls.
Letting out a breath I’m holding in, I collapse onto my mattress, in shock at what just happened, and what I have just done.
Alpha is going to be mad when he hears about this! My wolf, Storm, says.
What was I supposed to do? I couldn't let him touch me. Only our mate can. I say.
You’re right. We just have to hang in here for a few more days until we’re eighteen and hopefully our mate will find us and take us away.
What if my mate doesn't like me? I ask Storm.
Our mate will love us. You’ll see! Storm says, excitedly.
I rub my sore ribs and head downstairs to prepare breakfast for the pack. I put a pot of porridge on the stove.
While the porridge boils, I set the table with bowls, spoons and cups, and give the porridge a stir. I collect the jug of juice from the fridge and fill all the cups on the table.
Hearing the pack members talking, I quickly put porridge in all the bowls before dashing back upstairs before any of the pack members see me.
If I’m still down here while they eat, they become angry; especially Alpha Tate. They say my presence makes them sick and they can’t eat with me around, because I’m so repulsive.
I worry about how Alpha Tate will punish me for biting his Beta's finger. I want to stay out of everyone's way today.
Normally I’d return to the kitchen an hour after serving breakfast to clean up, but I purposely wait an extra half an hour, so the coast is clear.
The kitchen is cleaned quicker than usual. I’m able to scrape a few spoonfuls of porridge for myself.
After preparing lunch, I place the plates of food on the table, and quickly run back to the attic, but I bang into someone on the way.
‘I'm so sorry,’ I whisper, looking at the ground.
‘That's what you said yesterday,’ Alpha Tate says. He grabs my face with his hand, forcing me to look at him. He squints into my eyes, and glares.
‘Why did you bite Beta Sam's finger?’ He asks. My eyes start to well. I try to look away but he yanks my face back towards him.
‘Answer me!’ He growls.
‘I—he, um, tried to touch me,’ I whisper. Alpha Tate smiles and pushes me backwards.
‘I don't know why he’d want to touch a slave. But if he wants to have his way with you, let him,’ he says, and I burst into tears, and run past him, into the attic.
Storm, what are we going to do if Beta Sam comes back up here?
Maybe we should run away? Storm replies.
We have nowhere to go and we would freeze to death, for sure, on our first night! I say.
Tomorrow, we turn eighteen. Let's get through tonight, in case we find our mate tomorrow. Storm says.
Storm, I'm really nervous about tomorrow. I have a really bad feeling. I whisper.
2. Northwest Trans Hybrid person incidentally quantifying pixel transmitter invoice Pop
I wake to an intoxicating smell of sandalwood and cinnamon. I stand, comb my hair with my fingers and straighten out my cardigan to feel a bit more presentable.
It's our mate! You must go to him now. Storm says, excitedly.
I know. Let's go. I say.
Running downstairs and down the hallway, the scent gets stronger. It leads me to the bedrooms belonging to high-ranking pack members. I become nervous and less excited.
We’ve never been in this hallway before. I tell Storm.
There! That room! He’s in there! Storm says.
Standing in front of a large brown wooden door, I’m about to knock, lose my courage, and take a step back.
He’s in there. Knock! Storm yells.
I can't do it. I say.
Turning to walk away, the door flings open, and I make instant eye contact with Alpha Tate.
‘Mate!’ I say, in a trance.
I hear a chuckle a door down. Someone is there.
‘You’re kidding me? Hope is your mate, Alpha T