test 1700575151
- Genre: Fantasy
- Author: Sub 1 (Katya)
- Chapters: 16
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 3
- ⭐ 0.1
- 💬 0
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1. highly celebrated mmm meanwhile
Chapter 2
"Dear Arielle, There'll come a day when you feel you don't fit in anywhere, a day when you'll lose the people you care about most, or you'll wake up one day and find that the world where love and peace were once king and queen, is dead, and that time you won't fit in anymore in the land of the new leaders, because you'll be an outcast, a reject, and that day, you'll remember my words, my love, my sacrifice, and then my child, will you sought for justice, and reclaim the mountain that was once your father's. Till then, good luck my dear, may the whitewolf never mourn, and her echoes extend its territories to bring unity to all of our bloodline. With Love, Moma." If these were the last words of your parents, you will want to hold on tightly to them that no one steals them away from you, because you never met your parents, and they never got the chance to tell you how much they loved you, so at least their handwritings should be etched on your mind like a never fading grotesque car