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Chapter 1

Ut eleifend nisi et mi interdum faucibus. Maecenas id mauris hendrerit, tempor urna sit amet, sodales justo. Sed pellentesque leo libero, vitae convallis arcu placerat nec. Nam imperdiet a mi nec sollicitudin. Nam gravida urna id diam bibendum, non vestibulum quam hendrerit. In dictum est a turpis rhoncus, in viverra elit blandit. Sed risus eros, lobortis sit amet feugiat et, sodales id ligula. Aenean vel dictum nunc. Nulla finibus ante ut euismod dictum. In sodales quis lorem sit amet elementum. Morbi egestas tortor eget nulla facilisis auctor. Integer sed justo vitae nisl efficitur interdum. Vestibulum hendrerit malesuada ipsum nec congue. Nulla sagittis leo magna, quis venenatis nunc congue eget. Donec id laoreet lorem, in vulputate velit.

Chapter 1

Jackie got out of the cab and took a moment to stare at the magnificent hotel. Right away just gazing at the building, she knew that her stay here would be something different. Instead of towering into the sky, the hotel sprawled up the mountainside and outward to the limits of her peripheral vision. The stone façade might as well have been hewn from the rock face while the lush greenery threatened to envelop the entire thing and reclaim it for Mother Nature. The hotel appeared so incredibly natural it could have been a part of the mountain itself.

On the other side, clear blue water lapped at immaculate white sand dotted with brilliant vermillion umbrellas and wooden loungers she couldn’t wait to try out.


In a slight daze, she walked into the grand foyer and out of the sultry air to take a deep breath of the chilled, perfumed interior. Her kitten heels clicked along the stone floor as she gazed at the beautiful architecture and design. The ab


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