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Chapter 2

“Fine. But be advised, a photo will be taken and shared with the staff,” Lucius said. He was dragging this out and I wanted it over and done with. I tried to catch his eye to let him know.

The female hesitated, biting her bottom lip. I could see through the sham. I had to give it to them—the Ribelle dogs were attracting better-looking spies. Not brighter, perhaps, unless they were looking to be caught? They’d have to be checked over thoroughly before they could leave the premises. I’d leave those honors to my twin.

Lucius glanced my way, lust darkening his complexion. He, perhaps more than I, enjoyed our couplings with willing women in the immediate vicinity of the other. Our more studious younger twin brothers, currently in Rome, enjoyed having the same woman, but I did not imagine that ever being the case for me and Lucius, with me being alpha.

Spy number two shimmied out of her tight minidress, exposing another spectacular set of large breasts and a lack of underwear, her reluctance an obvious game. And a lure.

“I’ll need to check you for bugs,” Lucius said.

Jill, spy number one, offered herself to my brother, raising her hands high above her head in the surrender position. He caged her wrists between one of his hands, then ran his other hand through her hair, then down her supple flesh, tweaking her nipples before slipping his fingers down to her pussy. She arched her back.

From the corner of my eye, I caught the slight shimmer of the cosmic disturbance in the air around Lucius, his eyes flashing blue before returning to brown. He wanted the change. I got it. Business had been all-consuming of late, especially concluding the arrangements on the acquisition of the new bank.

A loud knock sounded at the door. “Come in,” I called.

“Sorry to bother you, sire,” Serge said with all due respect.

My right-hand man, second in line after Lucius and similar to a mafia don’s consigliere, looked unusually agitated, though he was doing an admirable job of attempting to hide it. But my job was to miss nothing that might affect those I was in charge of. Every little nuance meant something.


“Just advising you that the all-girl band, The Sirens, has arrived and is set up in Nero’s.” Serge was fully aware of my standing order to make sure I knew everything going on in my casino. The online contest we’d run for the chance to win three nights’ playing at Nero’s had drawn a lot of media attention—good for business, and good for the group that would benefit from the exposure.

I nodded. The sense of change in the wind tonight grew stronger. Time to pay close attention, it seemed to say.

The lights in the room dimmed. My twin was making preparations to fuck the women.

“Check their jewelry, Lucius. Remember the last time.” Hiding a bug in an earring had worked until I’d had the penthouse swept for electronic devices.

I made a quick decision in the moment, born of my urge to get out of the office and check on the band that had drawn so much attention.

“Let’s go,” I said to Serge.

I led the way to my private elevator across the hall and punched the lobby number. We rode in silence, my wolf somewhat annoyed about losing out on the easy tail waiting upstairs in my office, now that I had chosen to move on. But my mind went back to thoughts of my own Forever Mate and what that would mean in my life.

I shook my head with finality, pushing the idea away. The chances of that happening after all this time were slim to none. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy the company of a female, under the right circumstances, to keep the urges at bay.

Moon madness is a bitch.

Chapter 3


“Pinch me! I can’t believe we’re here, set up and ready to have at it!” Cleo screamed, making me wince. Of late my hearing seemed to be keener than ever—surprising, really, since I’m a drummer in a band who doesn’t bother with hearing protection.

“Oh, we’re doing it all right.” I resisted the urge to actually pinch her. Her over-the-top enthusiasm left me uncomfortable. If calm waters ran deep, then I must have been a bottomless lake. The only time I came alive was playing the drums and losing myself in the driving beat. The sense of being insulated from the world was amazing. But in all honesty, I wanted this opportunity even more than Cleo, though for entirely different reasons. She wanted fame, but I wanted my family to have a better life, to pay them back for all their faith in me.

Cleo put her hands on her curvy hips and frowned at me. “Well, you could show a little appreciation for that fact. Look, Layla’s happy about it.” She pointed at the t


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