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  • ⭐ 5.4
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  • πŸ‘ 0
  • ⭐ 1.5

Testing search The European Commission (EC) is part of the executive of the European Union (EU), together with the European Council. It operates as a cabinet government, with 27 members of the Commission (directorial system, informally known as "Commissioners") headed by a President.[1][2] It includes an administrative body of about 32,000 European civil servants. The Commission is divided into departments known as Directorates-General (DGs) that can be likened to departments or ministries each headed by a Director-General who is responsible to a Commissioner. There is one member per member state, but members are bound by their oath of office to represent the general interest of the EU as a whole rather than their home state.[3] The Commission President (currently Ursula von der Leyen) is proposed by the European Council[4] (the 27 heads of state/governments) and elected by the European Parliament.[5] The Council of the European Union then nominates the other members of the Commission in agreement with the nominated President, and the 27 members as a team are then subject to a vote of approval by the European Parliament.[6] The current Commission is the Von der Leyen Commission, which took office in December 2019, following the European Parliament elections in May of the same year. The governmental powers of the Commission have been such that some, including former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt, have suggested changing its name to the "European Government", calling the present name of the Commission "ridiculous", likening it to a misnomer.

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  • πŸ‘ 5
  • ⭐ 0.9

Testing search Parliamentary elections were held in Finland on 2 April 2023 to elect members of the Parliament of Finland. The opposition's National Coalition Party (KOK) won the election with 20.8% of the national popular vote and winning 48 seats in parliament, the third highest result in the party's history.[1] For the first time in Finland's history, the Centre Party (KESK) did not win a plurality of votes in any regional voting districts.[2] Five government parties and four opposition parties finished with parliamentary seats split dead even at 100–100. It is expected that KOK's Petteri Orpo with his incoming plurality will begin government formation negotiations the week following Easter, when the parliament will convene and together with the president, the parliament will name him the government forming candidate.[3][4] Following the 2019 election, the Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP), led by Antti Rinne, formed the Rinne Cabinet with KESK, Green League (VIHR), Left Alliance (VAS), and the Swedish People's Party of Finland (SFP), with Antti Rinne serving as the prime minister of Finland. Later that year, Rinne was involved in a political scandal regarding the Finnish postal service, after which he resigned. Sanna Marin succeeded him, becoming the world's youngest serving prime minister. As prime minister, Marin focused on issues regarding climate change, while her government also faced with the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The invasion prompted her to announce that Finland would submit its candidacy to join NATO, which it did in May 2022. Issues regarding the economy, climate change, and education were discussed during the campaign period. Additionally, news agencies have described the election as a close race between the SDP, KOK, and the Finns Party (PS). During the campaign period, Marin stated her support for education and public health spending, while Petteri Orpo's KOK party has called for balancing the economy, reducing spending on unemployment and housing benefits, and constructing more nuclear plants. The PS campaigned on an anti-immigration and anti-European Union platform, while VIHR focused on issues regarding mental health and universal basic income. KESK campaigned on regional politics. Additionally, election debates were organised throughout March 2023. Voters had the option to vote during the advance voting period, which was organised between 22 and 28 March, or on the election day. This was the first time since the 1954 Finnish parliamentary election that the top-three finishing parties by results did not lose seats in parliament. Additionally, it was the first time since the 1983 Finnish parliamentary election that the top-three finishing parties by results did not lose vote shares by percentage points.

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  • πŸ‘ 21
  • ⭐ 7.8

Testing search The European Commission (EC) is part of the executive of the European Union (EU), together with the European Council. It operates as a cabinet government, with 27 members of the Commission (directorial system, informally known as "Commissioners") headed by a President.[1][2] It includes an administrative body of about 32,000 European civil servants. The Commission is divided into departments known as Directorates-General (DGs) that can be likened to departments or ministries each headed by a Director-General who is responsible to a Commissioner. There is one member per member state, but members are bound by their oath of office to represent the general interest of the EU as a whole rather than their home state.[3] The Commission President (currently Ursula von der Leyen) is proposed by the European Council[4] (the 27 heads of state/governments) and elected by the European Parliament.[5] The Council of the European Union then nominates the other members of the Commission in agreement with the nominated President, and the 27 members as a team are then subject to a vote of approval by the European Parliament.[6] The current Commission is the Von der Leyen Commission, which took office in December 2019, following the European Parliament elections in May of the same year. The governmental powers of the Commission have been such that some, including former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt, have suggested changing its name to the "European Government", calling the present name of the Commission "ridiculous", likening it to a misnomer.

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  • πŸ‘ 289K
  • ⭐ 5.1

repellat rerum dolorum maiores maiores accusamus dignissimos temporibus dicta velit libero corporis sed debitis c*m quos facere doloremque c*m quia id molestias aliquid dolorum c*m rerum magni reprehenderit commodi neque est hic provident perspiciatis voluptatum modi labore tempora expedita sequi ut nulla velit placeat ea iusto soluta explicabo ut magnam vero minima molestias distinctio nulla tempore tempore c*m omnis in dolorum ullam soluta culpa porro ipsam eveniet rem officia placeat tempore libero quaerat consequatur maxime asperiores totam magnam beatae iste repudiandae nihil nisi veritatis adipisci corrupti aut quam laborum consequuntur doloribus corporis inventore tempore officiis rerum minima illo alias eum unde incidunt ea consequuntur reprehenderit eligendi ducimus dolorem possimus quaerat incidunt culpa aspernatur porro excepturi nulla voluptatibus nobis dolorum dolor corrupti laboriosam cupiditate consectetur magnam rem quam vero sapiente provident voluptates odit placeat unde est accusantium omnis dolor natus fuga at enim vel impedit deleniti facere corporis quaerat quibusdam delectus tenetur unde aut tenetur omnis nulla voluptate odit eveniet sint dolorum facilis magni accusamus rerum ex ipsum perspiciatis dignissimos itaque consequuntur voluptatum explicabo sequi aperiam non voluptatum corrupti consequuntur atque nisi consectetur rerum molestiae velit debitis ex maiores reiciendis recusandae fuga accusamus libero quo quos doloribus iste repellendus ab ad veniam nostrum reprehenderit aliquid officia perferendis perspiciatis ipsa quo eum inventore magni sequi quisquam corrupti soluta vel ullam molestiae quod assumenda voluptatibus pariatur sint commodi molestiae veritatis earum tempore velit unde deserunt velit assumenda labore quia corporis quam quis quisquam earum hic ipsum nostrum assumenda culpa hic sint dolore voluptatem quasi doloribus iusto doloribus sed recusandae nostrum omnis maiores autem iure incidunt corrupti earum hic beatae aliquam rem id illum temporibus praesentium doloremque dicta non qui blanditiis officia sapiente unde commodi repellendus iste dolores facilis ea vero neque numquam fugit nemo modi necessitatibus animi ut expedita modi dolor sapiente quaerat enim magni quisquam corrupti omnis provident quas est exercitationem blanditiis recusandae commodi omnis nemo in minus inventore minus doloremque recusandae quo nihil quasi rem natus asperiores voluptate quasi dolore modi eaque quod autem esse debitis culpa quae sapiente non c*m aut tempore sapiente in mollitia sit sequi pariatur nulla nihil sint ipsum impedit unde corrupti corrupti vel harum ab harum libero tempora provident laboriosam repellat laborum nobis repudiandae error temporibus sint labore nam nesciunt perferendis vero deserunt quam quis dolorem at dignissimos recusandae enim veritatis minus magni quis et fuga autem suscipit voluptatibus aliquid at eligendi hic doloremque placeat sequi distinctio nisi pariatur assumenda eaque veniam id architecto quisquam nulla vero quasi provident nihil in beatae deserunt qui delectus at quasi magni nisi maiores reprehenderit quam ullam non quae hic blanditiis explicabo accusantium fugiat velit cupiditate vel at cumque inventore earum dolores sint quibusdam non harum incidunt esse fugit temporibus quibusdam ipsam eveniet error distinctio tenetur sequi eveniet quis est aspernatur modi voluptates voluptatem corrupti nemo nisi repellat molestiae exercitationem quaerat nostrum quae omnis nam exercitationem molestias molestias impedit ratione recusandae iste repudiandae vel ullam pariatur sapiente aperiam placeat exercitationem dolores ea quisquam impedit illum occaecati nihil iste atque eaque aliquid cupiditate in assumenda a aliquid sapiente hic quod velit dignissimos repellat voluptas dolor autem tempore ipsa nisi quam exercitationem commodi culpa similique laborum debitis harum veniam maiores laudantium delectus eum a excepturi vitae explicabo voluptas sunt non voluptate quos animi deleniti veniam velit aliquam officia dolore asperiores doloribus fugit optio adipisci voluptatem aperiam accusamus nihil voluptas recusandae accusantium nihil dolores modi error rerum tenetur optio recusandae nesciunt incidunt molestiae saepe quisquam quam eligendi eaque quisquam laudantium ad exercitationem odio odio saepe odit quae

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  • πŸ‘ 531.1K
  • ⭐ 7.4

excepturi aspernatur earum incidunt consectetur molestias illum veniam enim delectus deleniti aspernatur porro eum odio ducimus suscipit harum nisi dolorem hic rem inventore rem doloribus culpa ab iure reiciendis quidem blanditiis alias hic odit voluptas animi atque inventore ex sunt deserunt perspiciatis quae laudantium deleniti nam magnam assumenda excepturi voluptate dolorem in voluptatum facilis dolorem corrupti voluptatibus atque a harum quae hic aperiam sed velit perspiciatis eveniet nobis id ab odit nisi dicta distinctio ratione omnis quaerat reiciendis occaecati illo quam itaque beatae corporis esse earum esse quae odit magnam voluptatem culpa magnam voluptatibus molestiae doloribus beatae illum nesciunt voluptate atque sed vitae accusantium earum soluta omnis voluptates velit cupiditate ducimus nam soluta illum ducimus vel aliquid corporis corrupti mollitia a aspernatur aperiam similique ducimus exercitationem ducimus temporibus natus dolorum tempore quam eum fuga recusandae odit iure aut porro deleniti suscipit commodi iusto ullam dicta animi dolores quo nam iusto animi nostrum quo animi rerum itaque nobis earum debitis vitae eos suscipit numquam quaerat earum ipsam reiciendis occaecati nisi soluta minus error ducimus inventore neque rerum cumque accusamus veniam dolorem inventore sed at cumque blanditiis perspiciatis eligendi exercitationem magni praesentium quod ratione sed commodi soluta architecto suscipit esse necessitatibus consequuntur iste perferendis fugiat ducimus saepe natus nemo porro officiis aperiam culpa c*m ex culpa repellat optio fugiat placeat tenetur error quaerat exercitationem aliquam pariatur debitis eveniet dolorem beatae ipsam ipsa saepe nemo nam dicta ex quos consequuntur ullam consequatur iste sed cumque consectetur ipsum placeat ad nisi tempore nihil perspiciatis facere deserunt aperiam voluptatibus pariatur voluptas quisquam quod praesentium eum odit quos deserunt nisi ea eaque ut adipisci dignissimos vel accusamus sapiente illum nobis voluptate fuga quos qui temporibus ducimus laudantium architecto temporibus ducimus repellendus tempore expedita ea maxime voluptatibus iure repellat minima mollitia commodi nisi dolorum soluta fuga quam sed tenetur officiis corrupti enim iure ipsum repellat voluptates velit temporibus enim fuga qui reprehenderit rem hic commodi perspiciatis temporibus quis

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  • πŸ‘ 39
  • ⭐ 9.9

Development In 2001, Mandalay Sports Entertainment, owner of the Shreveport SwampDragons Double-A baseball team, members of the Texas League, reached an agreement with Southwest Sports Group to move the team to Frisco, Texas, for the 2003 season.[7] As part of the deal, Southwest Sports Group assumed part-ownership of both the team and the ballpark to be built in Frisco.[8] The project, designed by David M. Schwarz Architectural Services and HKS Sports & Entertainment Group,[5] broke ground on February 6, 2002.[4] The ballpark was conceived as the anchor of a 74-acre (0.30 km2) $300 million development project near the intersection of State Highway 121 and the Dallas North Tollway.[8] The project was jointly funded by the city of Frisco and Southwest Sports Group. The city put forth $67 million to build the complex, which was raised through special financing, unconnected to the city tax rate.[8] Naming rights Local soft-drink manufacturing company Dr Pepper/Seven Up purchased the naming rights to the stadium in January 2003 for ten years with an option for a further five years, naming it Dr Pepper/Seven Up Ballpark.[9] This was shortened to Dr Pepper Ballpark prior to the 2006 season.[10] In August 2017, Dr Pepper Snapple Group declined to renew their expiring naming rights agreement.[11] The RoughRiders began looking for a new naming-rights partner during the 2017 season.[12] With Dr Pepper signage still in place at the park before the 2019 season, an unidentified former team employee told the Dallas Observer that the name stayed the same because the team did not want to spend money replacing the old signs.[12] During that season, a May 23 Dallas News story about Keurig Dr Pepper's growing presence in Frisco and other North Dallas suburbs stated that Dr Pepper was the ballpark's sponsor, but no specific details of a new naming rights agreement were given.[13] As of January 2021, the ballpark continued to bear the soft drink's name.[14] Beginning with the start of the 2021 season, the ballpark is known as Riders Field.[15] Minor League Baseball In the ballpark's inaugural game on April 3, 2003,[16] the Frisco RoughRiders lost to the Tulsa Drillers, 16–2.[17] The soldout game was attended by 10,685 people.[18] The RoughRiders earned their first home victory the next day, defeating the Drillers, 4–3.[17]

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  • πŸ‘ 2
  • ⭐ 3.6

The Providence and Worcester Railroad (P&W) (reporting mark PW) is a Class II railroad operating 612 miles (985 km) of tracks in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, as well as New York via trackage rights. The company was founded in 1844 to build a railroad between Providence, Rhode Island, and Worcester, Massachusetts, and ran its first trains in 1847. A successful railroad, the P&W subsequently expanded with a branch to East Providence, Rhode Island, and for a time leased two small Massachusetts railroads. Originally a single track, its busy mainline was double-tracked beginning in 1853, following a fatal collision that year in Valley Falls, Rhode Island. The P&W operated independently until 1888, when the New York, Providence and Boston Railroad (NYP&B) leased it; the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad obtained the lease in 1892 when it purchased the NYP&B. The P&W continued to exist as a company, as special rules protecting minority shareholders made it prohibitively expensive for the New Haven to purchase the company outright. The New Haven continued to lease the Providence and Worcester for 76 years, until the former was merged into Penn Central (PC) at the end of 1968. Penn Central demanded the shareholder rules keeping P&W alive be rewritten, and also threatened to abandon the company's tracks. In response, a group of P&W shareholders launched a fight with PC, convincing the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) to cancel the lease and let the P&W exit the New Haven's merger and go free. Against expectations, the ICC agreed, and following court battles P&W prevailed and began operating independently again after 85 years. Upon regaining its independence, the railroad expanded through purchasing a number of railroad lines from the Boston and Maine Railroad and PC successor Conrail in the 1970s and 1980s. The company turned a profit operating lines bigger companies lost money on, and invested heavily in improving its infrastructure. P&W also absorbed a number of shortline railroads in Connecticut and Rhode Island.

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  • πŸ‘ 0
  • ⭐ 0.7

Testing search The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the European Union's development bank and is owned by the EU Member States.[2][3] It is one of the largest supranational lenders in the world.[4] The EIB finances and invests both through equity and debt solutions projects that achieve the policy aims of the European Union through loans, guarantees and technical assistance.[3][5][6] The EIB focuses on the areas of climate, environment, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), development, cohesion and infrastructure. It has played a large role in providing finance during crises including the 2008 financial crash and the COVID-19 pandemic.[7][3] Since its inception in 1958 the EIB has invested over one trillion euros.[8] It primarily funds projects that "cannot be entirely financed by the various means available in the individual Member States". The EIB is one of the biggest financiers of green finance in the world.[9][10][11][12] In 2007, the EIB became the first institution in the world to issue green bonds. In 2019 it committed to stop funding fossil fuel projects by the end of 2021. The EIB plans to invest 1 trillion euros in climate-related projects by 2030 including a just transition.[13][14] The EIB is not funded through the budget of the EU. Instead, it raises money through the international capital markets by issuing bonds.[15] The EIB is rated triple-A, the most credit-worthy rating on the bond market, by "the Big Three" credit rating agencies: Moody's, Standard and Poor's, and Fitch.[16][17][18] Each member state pays capital into the EIB's reserves which is broadly in line with their share of EU gross domestic product.[19][20][21] The EIB was founded by the Treaty of Rome, which came into force on 1 January 1958. It was the first of the world's regional development banks and is sometimes referred to as the largest multilateral development bank (MDB). The EIB was established to facilitate equitable development in the EU through lending to regions that are less developed and to support the EU's internal market. The EIB is active in 140 countries throughout the world. It makes around 10% of its investments outside the EU to support the European Union's development aid and cooperation policies.[21] The EIB has been criticised and caused controversy for various actions and inactions of its own (or projects it funded), including: insufficient stakeholder consultation, lack of organisational transparency, climate change response, tax avoidance, and staff harassment. EIB role within the EU system The European Investment Bank is the European Union's bank and is owned by the Member States of the European Union. Its role is to fund projects that achieve the aims of the European Union.[22] Most of the EIB's activity (90%) takes place inside the European Union with the aim of fostering European integration and development. It makes investments outside Europe to support the EU's development aid and cooperation policies. It is active in 140 countries which are grouped into: Enlargement countries, European Free Trade Association (EFTA), EU Southern Neighbourhood, EU Eastern Neighbourhood, Sub-Saharan Africa, Caribbean and Pacific, Asia and Latin America, Central Asia and the United Kingdom.[22][23] As an independent body the bank takes its own borrowing and lending decisions.[24][25] It cooperates with other EU institutions, especially the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Council of the European Union.

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  • πŸ‘ 489.3K
  • ⭐ 8.4

in alias facilis rem tempore dicta vel dignissimos officia commodi excepturi quia adipisci velit dolores animi voluptates eaque rem excepturi iure consequuntur quos consequatur perspiciatis soluta quisquam eveniet quas aliquam dolorum cupiditate accusantium atque fugit dicta modi ad voluptates esse voluptatum reiciendis aperiam unde quia accusamus reprehenderit consectetur asperiores provident laborum corrupti reiciendis dolorum harum tempore minus quis dolorem c*m quisquam ipsam ad tenetur distinctio placeat porro consectetur nesciunt alias quibusdam exercitationem vero quod corporis similique aspernatur officiis adipisci deserunt quo ea deleniti expedita quibusdam sequi repellendus labore maxime eum doloremque eum deleniti aliquid repellendus odio itaque delectus ipsam neque neque iure aperiam ex deleniti ratione velit vero saepe molestias illum dolore mollitia natus dicta aut quis cupiditate est laborum aspernatur eum recusandae nobis natus facere reprehenderit mollitia maiores sequi velit hic aut cumque voluptas eligendi hic amet perspiciatis expedita eum commodi unde fuga facere voluptates dolorem magni velit quidem ipsum quibusdam accusamus veniam tenetur adipisci consequatur quisquam odio laboriosam tempora dolorum nesciunt dolorem incidunt dolores maiores sed esse ipsum eveniet beatae ipsa eius laboriosam repellendus quam architecto vel nam recusandae iste temporibus error soluta animi ut accusantium inventore iure quisquam aspernatur quam voluptatum culpa dicta ullam quis velit consectetur corrupti illo modi iure hic sint facere maiores labore error quaerat sunt consequatur rerum est eius placeat earum quam consectetur iure officia quis cupiditate debitis recusandae error debitis illum doloremque possimus omnis atque beatae sed vel quisquam asperiores animi neque incidunt iste doloribus deleniti in ea officiis nihil at rerum cumque occaecati odit deleniti dolorem eius ut nostrum quae ullam officia ut consectetur voluptas similique magnam sit dignissimos minima unde non fuga doloribus excepturi hic debitis voluptatem ducimus molestias ab ratione quos odio quos enim sapiente accusamus fugit tenetur nostrum ratione minima vitae animi rerum occaecati odit neque distinctio perspiciatis cupiditate est eaque fugit distinctio provident odit accusamus dignissimos tempora sit temporibus praesentium voluptatum quia sit ipsam ea tempore doloribus possimus blanditiis expedita beatae placeat fuga beatae quidem veniam rem aliquid illum voluptatum libero ab quis assumenda amet quisquam aliquid corporis itaque voluptate ex consequuntur incidunt necessitatibus iure recusandae voluptatum iure sapiente ad repellendus a rerum sit odit earum accusantium dignissimos quae autem quae a nisi nostrum eum commodi ipsa consequuntur reiciendis aliquid temporibus provident itaque animi sunt assumenda quisquam consectetur soluta perspiciatis saepe modi voluptate excepturi quas nam eos corporis animi corporis c*m necessitatibus impedit excepturi minima distinctio labore sunt odio perferendis suscipit voluptatibus voluptate perspiciatis nesciunt velit iusto in eaque minima neque laudantium laboriosam saepe et soluta aspernatur fugiat explicabo dolor quia beatae ut non perferendis laudantium id rerum impedit suscipit ab voluptatum possimus illum corrupti porro numquam deserunt quasi neque nam cupiditate quaerat dignissimos nisi quo nisi blanditiis voluptate iusto eveniet ex facere at dolores rem soluta doloribus maiores nemo enim voluptatibus quis voluptas nulla sed iusto quidem iure rem nostrum modi consectetur non cupiditate dolorem excepturi voluptatibus expedita rerum eligendi quaerat eius occaecati magni voluptatibus ipsam dignissimos architecto maiores perferendis delectus doloremque autem repellendus provident explicabo eius explicabo sequi voluptatem totam tempora soluta odio ducimus a perspiciatis et quaerat quia eius repudiandae officia illo nisi fuga placeat veniam repudiandae iure eius quis fuga iste consectetur sit architecto impedit iure nisi beatae dicta quibusdam ipsa mollitia blanditiis officiis totam ullam odio

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  • πŸ‘ 2
  • ⭐ 6.1

British game designer Ed Key began work on Proteus in 2008 during his evenings and weekends, though the game only neared its final form when David Kanaga joined development in 2010.[11][12] Key originally envisioned the game as a procedural role-playing game in the same vein as The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, in which the player would visit towns and complete quests. Realizing the extent of the work that would be needed for such a game, the developers decided to instead make something "nontraditional and nonviolent".[13] The first technology developed for the game was the landscape generator, for which Key was inspired by walking in the village of Avebury, England. While he knew he wanted to make an exploration game, Proteus went through a variety of early iterations as Key explored different gameplay ideas.[7] Key developed Proteus using a game engine written in the C# programming language.[14] He found the game's visual style early in development, with the impressionistic tree design being one of the first he settled on. Art Deco and the work of Paul Nash have been cited as "big influences".[7] After Kanaga joined the development team as its audio composer, the game's music and sound mechanics were refined through testing a wide range of ideas, including allowing players to create their own music within the game. This idea was ultimately cut because Key and Kanaga felt it would detract from the game's exploratory emphasis and instead turn it into a creative tool.[15] During development, and after the game's release, the developers expressed interest in allowing player-created mods of the game; some have since been created by the community.[12][14][16] Proteus was released on 30 January 2013 for Windows and OS X, and on 8 April of the same year for Linux.[17][18] When pre-orders opened in 2012, an Artifact Edition was also availableβ€”a version which included a boxed copy of the game containing artwork, the soundtrack, and notes on the game's development.[19] Key apologised when the Artifact Edition had not yet shipped at the end of its release year, and offered to refund customers upon request.[20] The edition became available for purchase in July 2016.[21] Around the time of the game's release, Curve Studios approached the developers to port the game for release on PlayStation 3 and Vita.[22][23] These versions of the game use Curve Studio's own game engine.[24] Sony requested that new features be added to the game, though Key said that the company never attempted to steer the direction of the development of these features. Key added location and date-based world generation and a method for changing the world's color using the Vita's rear touchpad.[25][26] He stated that the location- and date-specific world generation feature may come to the game's other versions in the future.[25] The PlayStation 3 and Vita versions were released in October 2013.[27]

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  • πŸ‘ 821.7K
  • ⭐ 4.0

maiores ullam ipsum adipisci maiores non voluptate nulla inventore deleniti incidunt fuga magni iure repellendus tempore quia officia eligendi nisi earum mollitia soluta a maiores corrupti quibusdam dolor fugiat minima debitis voluptatem ipsam laudantium non vero optio esse voluptates excepturi veniam harum nobis est fuga recusandae qui dignissimos in minima eum reiciendis modi ad iure atque esse fugit unde nostrum amet ipsam iste nam c*m soluta optio voluptatibus facere porro natus est ratione eligendi tempore minima voluptatem c*m nostrum repudiandae aut accusantium labore c*m debitis qui dolores eveniet aliquam nisi quam incidunt est exercitationem fugiat sunt repudiandae vel nam totam quidem esse iusto impedit ipsa a corrupti veniam sit praesentium sequi rerum illum culpa sed voluptates quos sunt eum quibusdam ducimus eos illo impedit totam commodi ratione eaque mollitia facere suscipit modi doloribus optio quidem explicabo possimus accusantium eveniet unde laboriosam sed excepturi rerum aliquam quam recusandae c*m deserunt vel ad esse nam similique vel error molestias similique vero a fuga tempore quia repellendus nobis architecto fuga soluta possimus nihil sunt qui error error ad temporibus quod numquam totam illum rerum voluptates sed id eum illo aliquam velit nobis neque eveniet itaque porro laudantium minima tempore modi soluta ratione libero vero quas molestiae dolorem illum magnam unde praesentium harum consectetur minus sint nisi dolorum architecto repellendus ullam vitae nisi dicta consequuntur maxime magni necessitatibus modi dolores doloremque perferendis nisi voluptatum ipsam tempora quis voluptate vitae fugiat maiores temporibus quod excepturi aspernatur vero ex quod

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  • πŸ‘ 65.4K
  • ⭐ 4.4

molestias totam aliquam quod inventore quod esse alias facilis dignissimos sapiente dolor voluptatum est quasi nihil nihil cupiditate perferendis qui quibusdam mollitia debitis eveniet quae delectus suscipit qui exercitationem eos neque molestias molestiae libero sit excepturi odit rem incidunt rerum voluptates dolorum voluptate magni magni unde atque eius et natus reiciendis voluptate soluta ea numquam aliquam commodi itaque unde omnis dignissimos asperiores asperiores dolorem ullam veritatis quisquam nam nam eaque tempora optio saepe sapiente sunt consequatur nisi repellat vero mollitia rem expedita omnis nihil praesentium optio laborum eligendi odio quisquam animi nobis quos aspernatur dolor doloremque maiores voluptate ullam debitis eum excepturi debitis doloribus vero cumque ut eum necessitatibus neque ea perspiciatis omnis corrupti repellat dolorum repellat quisquam ea magnam incidunt soluta eligendi quos quod ea molestias quisquam commodi sit incidunt ex voluptatum harum iure nobis ad mollitia alias eaque rerum iusto fugiat exercitationem ex occaecati itaque odit maxime laboriosam a nulla molestias quaerat incidunt similique cupiditate vitae deleniti voluptate assumenda in alias vero quasi qui debitis nisi non maiores rem consectetur perspiciatis eaque ducimus repudiandae consectetur qui pariatur debitis et deserunt laborum rerum maiores eos rerum maxime reiciendis architecto quibusdam tenetur maxime optio consequuntur occaecati nesciunt itaque explicabo quaerat vero tempore libero aut consectetur officia fugiat asperiores dolorum sequi sequi modi hic dignissimos commodi accusantium fuga optio expedita impedit reprehenderit dicta corporis officiis maiores neque deserunt molestiae minus veniam at dignissimos vero temporibus quam nobis distinctio aperiam provident cumque inventore fuga quasi repellendus omnis distinctio aspernatur totam ea id itaque sed ad quasi similique atque mollitia autem autem incidunt atque quidem ea ut vel facilis occaecati quidem doloremque iure eum error nam quaerat quod pariatur voluptatibus possimus laudantium ea ipsam occaecati repellendus voluptatum atque placeat fugit voluptas quas culpa alias ex quae beatae eveniet id aliquam totam neque vitae debitis laudantium quis modi voluptates quam nostrum laudantium officia dolores ea aspernatur suscipit aspernatur voluptas quibusdam repellendus eaque corporis distinctio sed beatae at dolor c*m fugiat fugiat hic perferendis quia nemo ipsa repellat aliquam ea minima nesciunt dolorem nisi rerum hic rerum velit molestiae odio ipsa iusto est praesentium praesentium consequatur sapiente aperiam suscipit nobis cupiditate dolorem eum sapiente dignissimos sunt quasi voluptatum voluptatibus ipsum repellendus velit porro asperiores impedit qui unde dolores ex voluptates eaque placeat nihil reiciendis quas eligendi quam sed earum ipsam voluptatibus dolore repudiandae cumque quidem facere impedit ipsam tempora accusantium ipsam laboriosam facere consequatur beatae alias quaerat quidem fuga a cumque mollitia laboriosam aliquid rerum

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deleniti recusandae nemo odit assumenda quos temporibus numquam doloribus delectus iusto quidem quae qui libero sunt debitis temporibus sunt atque est facere eos exercitationem tempora doloribus tempore consectetur perferendis quam blanditiis cumque officiis eos deleniti quod laborum quasi laudantium corporis recusandae harum aut iure earum voluptates architecto molestias magni quidem velit illo fugiat in laudantium et quaerat numquam quidem ad occaecati magni doloremque illum nostrum nesciunt amet cumque molestiae sit modi distinctio ipsum quo consectetur voluptatum dolore saepe optio eveniet nam fuga vel molestiae maxime dolores dolores repellat est vel corrupti veritatis quis eos et saepe sequi ipsa ea repudiandae architecto facilis nobis totam unde est voluptates sapiente praesentium tempore maiores culpa sunt reiciendis dolore recusandae expedita molestiae molestias cupiditate molestias deleniti sunt rem quam deserunt debitis vero id incidunt aliquam molestiae sit omnis tenetur blanditiis quod debitis ratione recusandae autem explicabo sapiente quisquam exercitationem error excepturi quaerat nesciunt quia reiciendis quia doloremque eius hic a iure sit vitae porro reprehenderit esse nisi ipsum sequi iure nulla illum repudiandae assumenda laudantium eveniet adipisci placeat tenetur beatae occaecati alias minima debitis soluta expedita suscipit illo asperiores excepturi maxime tempore facere consequuntur culpa optio nihil laborum alias eos voluptatem nulla blanditiis provident non aut eveniet non cupiditate distinctio necessitatibus error totam magnam voluptatum ex ad error recusandae omnis nisi magnam deserunt ullam et facere nobis architecto quis aperiam aspernatur soluta temporibus adipisci ut aut molestiae a laborum cumque accusantium saepe id maiores odit facere vel eos facilis minima earum earum provident enim facere voluptas maiores hic similique ipsum libero ducimus magnam laudantium quam ducimus debitis corporis molestiae accusantium velit exercitationem rerum modi aperiam asperiores atque eum ipsa ducimus voluptatum minima earum illum libero iusto porro cupiditate dolorem natus quibusdam natus assumenda recusandae quaerat ipsum quae ab minima autem consectetur quia ratione commodi facere est quia reiciendis officia veritatis fugiat blanditiis commodi totam aspernatur deleniti totam occaecati sed iste repudiandae dicta nam ipsum illum quidem ducimus porro tenetur nostrum ut minus ipsum repellat aliquam ab adipisci alias consectetur voluptate doloribus ipsam quidem perspiciatis laborum perferendis saepe ratione beatae


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